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Dr Paul Enenche Reply's President Buhari over His comment On Nigerian Youths

Dr Paul Enenche Reply's President Buhari over His comment On Nigerian Youths


As reactions continue to trail the despicable comment from the presidency alleging that Nigeria Youths are lazy.
 Dr Paul Enenche of Dunamis Int’l Gospel Center had frowned at the unfortunate rhetorics and asserted that Nigerians are hardworking.
Speaking at the Church headquarters in Abuja during fourth service of the church 6 overflooded services, the cleric averred that Nigerians are among the world most outstanding personalities in every sphere of life endeavor.

In his words Nigerians are the best brains in the world, both in sports, inventions, industry, entertainments, music and arts. According to him, as at three years ago, a Nigerian Neuron surgeon was the highest paid civil servant in America earning about a million dollars per annum.
A Nigerian Scientist, Philips Emeagwali invented the fastest computer in the world making about six billion computations per second.

Dr Enenche advised the church to avoid anybody running the country down with infamous rhetorics. He said, we are hardworking.
You don’t work anything by running it down, you can’t correct anything by condemning it, you don’t speak negativity and expect to see positivity.

President Mohammadu Buhari had penultimate week during the Common Wealth Business Forum in London alleged that some Nigeria Youths had not been to school and were claiming that Nigeria was an oil producing country, therefore sit down and do nothing expecting healthcare and education free.

The statement had over the weeks elicited diverse condemnations from Nigeria populace each faulting the unfortunate allegation on the youth who had credibly laboured to survive in spite some daunting economies.

Dr Paul Enenche is among the many Nigeria corporate citizens who believes that Nigeria would succeed amidst various ethno religious storms it had experienced over the years.



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