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Showing posts from December, 2017

A British missionary who was abducted in October by a Nigerian cult has reportedly been killed.

A British missionary who was abducted in October by a Nigerian cult has reportedly been killed. According to Open Doors USA,  Ian Squires was shot after leading a group in singing “Amazing Grace.” “This missionary, Ian Squire, he was a real person,” said David Curry, of Open Doors USA. “He’s a real human being who was giving his life to try to help these folks in the south of Nigeria, and he was kidnapped and killed for his faith. “And there are many people like him in Nigeria who have names and faces and families. They’re not all British, most of them are Nigerian themselves but they love Jesus and they’re dying for their faith.” Squires was one of four British missionaries who were abducted by the Nigerian cult in the country. He was working to help provide eye care for people in the country. “It’s just another example of what’s happening in Nigeria, although in a different vein,” Curry said. “Nigeria is a country that’s divided into—you’ve got the southern portion th

Gun Men attacks Methodist Worshipers- 9 dead, Several Others in Critical Condition

Gun Men attacks Methodist Worshipers- 9 dead, Several Others in Critical Condition Hundreds of believers were taking communion at Bethel Memorial Methodist Church when two bombers carrying assault rifles stormed the church, triggering a showdown with police guards. One terrorist was gunned down by police at the church entrance. The other made it inside, opened fire on worshippers, and detonated explosives on his vest. "It was a pleasant morning. We had sung songs and children had presented a Christmas program. Pastor Simon Bashir had finished his sermon and we were moving towards the altar when we started hearing gunfire outside the church," Sohail Yousuf told World Watch Monitor. Yousef's 13 year-old daughter Mehak was killed during the attack. Meanwhile, her 16 year-old sister Wasiqa is in critical condition a nearby hospital. "We bolted all the doors and were praying that God would protect each of us. Then a suicide bomber blew himself up at the ma

Thousands of Muslims take refuge in Christian Home

Thousands Of Muslims Take Refuge In Christian Home Muslims in the Philippines have found a new home in the arms of Christians. The Philippine city of Marawi is left scarred and broken after government troops battled radical Muslim terrorists for the last two months. The fighting destroyed half of the homes and killed more than 1,000 people, including civilians. As a result, countless Muslims like Alayssa Macabaya were forced to flee their hometown after the terrorists destroyed their home. Now, Macabaya lives 2 hours away in the predominantly Christian city of Cagayan de Oro. He and other Muslim refugees receive food, shelter, and basic necessities from the Christians who live there. "We are not driving them from the city. They can stay as long as they want," Mayor Oscar Moreno told the Los Angeles Times . "Who knows, maybe some will settle down here." "We are in the same boat together," Moreno continued. "Our strategy was, given of course

Radical Hindus Shut Down Prayer Meeting, Attack Pastors

Radical Hindus Shut Down Prayer Meeting, Attack Pastors A mob of Hindu extremists violently attacked two pastors and stopped them from hosting a gospel meeting in Chhattisgarh state, India. The pastors, Vijay Jogi and Santosh Rao, were just minutes away from starting their three-day gospel meeting when Hindu nationalists surrounded the building. Some 1,000 people had reportedly gathered to hear the gospel. "Pastor Vijay Jogi and Pastor Santosh Rao were receiving the people at the entrance," Pastor Amos James told Morning Star News. "Suddenly a mob of 70 Hindu Dharm Sena and Bajrang Dal activists encircled the entrance, and Pastor Jogi and Pastor Rao were beaten and summoned to the police station." "The activists slapped Pastor Santosh Rao thrice and beat us both," Pastor Jogi said. "By then we understood that these people will not let us conduct prayers." The Government Railway Police called the pastors to the station and warned th
Prophet Dragged to Court for spraying insecticide on members 20-year-old Thabiso Chabalala , told the court that she spent seven months coughing and with swollen eyes after Prophet Lethebo Rabalago sprayed her with insecticide. Prophet Rabalago from the Mountzion General Assembly in Limpopo, South Africa, who has styled himself as a prophet, was charged with five counts of assault and contravening environmental laws after images of him spraying congregants with Doom went viral in November last year. Chabalala (pictured) testified in the ongoing trial against Lethebo Rabalago at the Mookgophong Magistrates Court . This is Rabalago's second legal battle after the provincial health department obtained an interdict in the Limpopo High Court against him in May. Chabalala told the court that she regretted allowing Rabalago to spray the pesticide on her. She said she responded to calls for the sick to come forward during a church service at Phomolong township last year. Presi